
How to Make an Apple Pi Pie for Pi Day - rileynoweapping

IT's a pi PIE! Get onto?

Information technology's that time of the year again–time to rejoice and celebrate that wondrous mathematical marvel, operative. And in that respect's no better manner to observe Pi Day than to make an apple pi pie–or as my friend puts information technology, an Malus pumila private detective^2.

Let's get started! First, I essential admonish you, you will postulate lots of patience when making this pi (paronomasia intended), indeed make sure that you turn over yourself plenty of time before you begin. First, you will need to make a pi mold for your pie. To act up this, I used triplet disposable aluminum loaf pans and a lot of aluminium foil. The disposable loaf pans are cheap, flexile, and easy to manipulate. Since I wanted to make a pi-shaped pie, I ran a Google image search along "pi" to find a couple different variations of the letter.

Disposable loaf pans
Useable loaf pans

Next, I placed two of the pans connected a cookie sheet and manipulated them to sort of look like the cardinal legs of the letter sherloc. This took some looking hinder and forth between Google Images and the pans to get the pattern right. I then used another pan and a cluster of aluminum bilk to make the top of the letter. I couldn't tell you how much tin foil I used, but you'll want to use enough to make it look alike pi, and to build a reasonably sturdy mold.

Next, I used a scissors to cut into the pans where the legs are supposed to connect to the top (be careful; these pans have incisive edges after you cut them). At last, I connected the legs to the crown aside wrapper aluminum foil around the connections.

Here's my finished pi pie work:

My aluminum pi pie mold
My aluminum pi PIE mold

If you don't have a lot of time on your hands, you can just make a blocky-superficial pi–as an alternative of stressful to fudge all of this aluminum into curvy shapes, just use the original block shape of the mill aroun pans (you can get on for the ex post facto 8-tur look!).

After you have your pi moulding ready to go, you'll want to make whatever private investigator pie shell. You can enjoyment any pie crust recipe or use a pre-made crust; I used this delicious and freaky recipe. Depending on how big your pi mold is, you might need to give more crust.

If you aren't using pre-made crust, split your crust into two pieces–uncomparable for the top crust, and one for the bottom crust. In the closing, I used about triplet quarters of my dough to make the posterior crust, and the ease for the top. Straighten the dough and cut it into strips. Sift about flour into the pi mold to sustenance the encrustation from sticking to IT, then lay the strips throughout the private detective pan. You will deman to improvise here to get ahead around these excited curves. Finally, I put the private detective mold with crust into the freezer to cool while I prepared the rest of the recipe.

The pi bottom crust in the pi mold.
The pi bottom crust in the pi work.

To make the filling I used a recipe from, and information technology clad to be the perfect fit for my pi. You can use any pi filling recipe that you want, of course (cherry PI pie, anyone?). Take your pi mold and gall out of the freezer and put in the pi filling.

The pi filling in the pi.
The pi woof in the pi.

Next, roll out the last of the dough and cover your pi filling. Make believe sure that you pinch the crest crust and the bottom crust in concert; otherwise, the whole pi might fall apart when you endeavour to involve it out out of the determine. Once again, this wish take more or less patience. Next, cut a few slits in the summit crust with a fork or a knife to let any steam break away from of the pi pie piece it bakes.

The final pi crust before putting it in the oven.
The ultimate pi crust before putt it in the oven.

At length, put your pi^2 into a preheated 425-degree oven for 15 transactions; keep down the temperature to 350 degrees and bake information technology for at least another 35 minutes. (Notice that you'll wishing to put the whole matter in the oven–cooky weather sheet and all–or else it'll wear when you go to pick information technology up.) I like my apples soft, and I also leave the skins happening because I'm too faineant to peel them, so I left the pi in the oven for an hour to make sure that the apples and apple peels became nice and soft.

When the pi is done to your liking, take it out of the oven and get it cool for a duo hours earlier you try to remove it from its mold. When you do remove the work, use a pair of scissors to cut away one piece of aluminum at a clock. My pi well-nigh hide aside because I was stressful to deal overly big of pieces inactive at once.

And that's about information technology!

The cooked pi still in the mold.
The cooked pi still in the mold.
The cooked pi out of the mold.
The cooked pi stunned of the mold.

Last but certainly not to the lowest degree, use entirely way inevitable to consummate your have intercourse of pie and hatred of maths class by dig in.

The delicious gooey pi pie.
The delicious icky pi pie.

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