
What Are The Different Styles Of Anime

Lelouch Lamperouge Code Geass

How many anime genres exercise yous know? The dissimilar types of anime are in the dozens. If you're an avid watcher of the Large 3 Anime, then you may have come to acquire that every show is based on a specific anime genre.

Today, anime is available in a wide range of genres such as drama, action, supernatural, and horror, to mention a few. They are fabricated for a young daughter or young male child every bit well as adults. They feature tough female characters and handsome male characters.

How many types of anime genres tin you think of? Many pop anime genres established roots and accept been effectually for several years.

YouTube video

For that very reason, I've assembled a detailed list of anime genres with explanations and examples of each of them.

Below are the various types of anime genres and subgenres, including a detailed explanation and examples of each. Information technology doesn't matter if you're an enthusiastic anime fan or merely an interested onlooker.

This detailed list of common genres and subgenres will give yous a chance to acquire some basic knowledge about anime so that you tin can bask the anime world.

Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist

Popular Anime Genres

  • Hazard
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Slice of Life
  • Drama
  • Fantasy
  • Supernatural
  • Magic
  • Mystery
  • Horror
  • Psychological
  • Sci-Fi
  • Romance

Popular Anime Subgenres

  • Game
  • Cyberpunk
  • Demons
  • Harem
  • Kids
  • Martial Arts
  • Historical
  • Josei
  • Hentai
  • Mecha
  • Music
  • Parody
  • Police
  • Military
  • Mail-Apocalyptic
  • School
  • Sports
  • Super Ability
  • Vampire
  • Tragedy
  • Yuri
  • Josei Anime
  • Seinen Genre
  • Shonen Anime

Action Anime

A loftier level of rigorous action mainly characterizes the activeness anime genres. Action is one of the most pop genres of anime. A good portion of activity anime shows comprises activity fight scenes and thrilling battles.

Gurren Lagann

Information technology is not a wonder if you notice yourself jumping off your seat while trying to imitate the stimulating fights in this genre. A considerable part of the action genre comprises fluid blitheness, battle scenes, and super-engaging elements that actuate your adrenaline system.

Hither are some famous examples of action anime.

  • Gurren Lagann
  • Kill la Impale
  • Darker than Black
  • Trigun
  • Fullmetal Alchemist

Adventure Animes

Typically, the adventure genre mainly focuses on undertaking epic quests and traveling around the earth. Some take a chance anime characters even escalate the experience by traveling to the unabridged universe or other unpopular dimensions.

Fairy Tail Lucy and friends

Ideally, characters in adventure anime continue on moving from one place to another. Characters venture into various destinations with a specific goal to accomplish.

For example, they are searching for hidden treasure worldwide, exploring new places, escaping from a heinous villain, defeating a deadly villain that would otherwise become a global threat, among other goals in their mind.

Adventure anime covers a wide range of shows and is also flexible enough to comprehend multiple episodes. They can also overlap with other popular genres, especially those involving action or love.

Pop chance anime shows.

  • Fairy Tail
  • Kino's Journeying
  • Hunter X Hunter
  • One Piece
  • Hunter Ten Hunter
  • Spice and Wolf

One-act Anime

The central theme of a typical comedy genre is to make the viewer express joy. However, humor is relative since what makes one person laugh doesn't necessarily brand some else laugh.

Gintama anime final season artwork with all characters

Although some comedy animations may not be every bit humorous as the popular Tv set shows, especially those in drama and action categories, at least a comedy anime should have no excuse for not making you lot laugh.

A one-act anime that doesn't make its watchers at least giggle, let alone express joy, has failed in its purpose. Wait to find numerous funny moments, wacky dialogue, hilarious scenes, and comical happenings in a comedy-themed anime genre.

Here are popular comedy anime shows.

  • Gintama
  • Nichijou
  • Daily Lives of High School Boys
  • The Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy

Drama Anime

Have you ever watched an episode that left you in tears and a massive wave of emotions? And then you probably had been watching a drama-themed genre. A drama anime will try to connect you with the character's experiences.

Kanon anime with Mai and others playing in the snow

This connectedness is what makes the viewer experience in tune with what the character is experiencing. Information technology could be an emotional feel or a barrage of feelings. The main goal of a drama anime is to influence the viewers' hearts in a sure way.

Some drama anime are too arousing such that they can almost make y'all cry. A drama anime that succeeds in making you experience emotional can be said to have worked effectively in accomplishing its mission.

Some popular drama anime examples include;

  • Kanon
  • Clannad
  • Little Busters
  • Your Lies in April
  • Anohana: The flower we come across that twenty-four hour period

Slice of Life Anime

Whenever yous hear someone talking about a slice of life, they talk about the ordinary skillful life.

Non Non Biyori anime with Hotaru and friends

Stories featuring in a Piece of Life genre are based on the actual life setting domain. Everything is all about what happens in the blues; yes, that is the fundamental betoken of the Slice of Life genre.

Ordinary life is covered in a realistic dimension, with nothing supernatural taking a office in the evidence.

Here are famous examples of Slice of Life anime.

  • Non Not Biyori
  • Koufuku Graffiti
  • Lucky Star
  • Wagnaria
  • Barakamon
  • Nichijou
  • Bang-up Teacher Onizuka
  • Angel Beats and
  • Trivial Busters

Fantasy Anime

The fantasy genre animes mainly cover themes of fantasy worlds, dreamlike locations, and magical events.

Nanatsu no Taizai anime cover art with Meliodas and friends

The setting is oft based on fantastical sites where the cardinal characters first their adventures. In some shows, the characters begin their journey from a natural earth setting and so transition to something out of this earth.

Magic is an splendid role of the fantasy genre. Fantasy animes feature phenomena that are beyond scientific explanations. Several mystical elements serve as cardinal building blocks of a fantasy show.

Hither are some famous examples of fantasy anime.

  • Nanatsu no Taizai
  • Fate dark
  • Strike Witches
  • No Game, No Life
  • Inuyasha
  • Slayers

Magic Anime

Magic-themed anime involve and revolve around magical kinds of stuff such every bit incantations and spells. Some stories also encompass places where characters tin source magical powers and characters that can grant wishes.

Madoka Magica Main five female characters

Magical girls are the near common characters in these magic animes. These magical girls can end up condign a whole new genre in the subsequent episodes.

Famous examples of Magic themed anime.

  • Puella Magica Magi Madoka
  • Magi: Labyrinth of Magic
  • Magical Doremi
  • The Virgin Maria Witch
  • Little Witch Academia
  • Sailor Moon
  • Cardcaptor Sakura

Supernatural Anime

Whenever you come across a supernatural anime, it involves events or stuff across ordinary scientific explanations.

Bakemonogatari five female characters

Magical-based animes may cover things that are mythical, bizarre, and mystical or something that is across the accustomed reality. There are shadows of myths and mysteries found in this genre.

Hither are some examples of popular supernatural-themed anime.

  • Bakemonogatari
  • Noragami
  • Bluish Exorcist
  • Durarara!!
  • Mushishi

Horror Anime

It is easy to identify a horror genre in whatsoever anime. Typically, the chief characters in horror anime are monsters, ghosts, creeps, and some gore.

School-Live! anime cover art

It's obvious to come beyond several incidences of bloody violence and heavy gore traits in these animes. The key distinguishing factor in horror animes is the ability to creep and scare you out. If you are watching horror animes alone, it tin can be frightening, especially if it's your outset time.

Here are famous examples of horror anime.

  • Schoolhouse-Live!
  • Parasyte -the proverb
  • Hell Daughter
  • Corpse Party
  • Junji Ito Collection

Mystery Anime

Mystery animes are a psychological-based genre that mainly focuses on mysterious places, items, or events. I common affair nearly mystery anime stories is the red herrings that keep fans guessing.

Hyouka anime Houtarou reading a book with Chitanda looking over his shoulder

It could be a place, an upshot, or a specific item, that has some mysteries surrounding its being and narrative. Many puzzle-based animes feature criminals and detectives.

Examples of Mystery anime shows.

  • Hyouka
  • Eden of the East
  • Detective Conan
  • Gosick
  • Tantei Opera Milky Holmes

Psychological Anime

These animes mainly revolve effectually how the psyche and heed piece of work. This genre mainly covers scenes touching psychological themes and rarely on philosophical levels.

Paranoia Agent anime cast of characters cover art

Heed games and battles are standard here where the characters have to gauge their wits confronting the competitor. Psychological animes are designed to involve your listen past sharpening your critical thinking skills.

Examples of popular psychological anime.

  • Paranoia Amanuensis
  • Future Diary
  • Zetsuen no Storm
  • Monster
  • Death Annotation
  • Mirai Nikki

Romance anime

Based on the name, you tin tell that the romance genre mainly involves sweet moments of falling in love and passion.

There are several romance animes with romantic relationships such every bit lovers who never settle until the end of the testify, beloved triangles in which two characters fight over another character or a beloved foursquare in which 4 or more characters are involved.

ItaKiss Itazura na Kiss with Kotoko Aihara and Irie Kun

Ideally, romance is the fundamental theme; the story volition mainly focus on a realistic all the same fictional setting. When comparing a romance genre with other genres, the activeness involved is choppy, comedy is coincidental, drama is overemphasized, and psychological themes are complex.

A love story can tug your heartstrings with tender moments and romantic scenes. You lot'll ofttimes find romance anime featuring other anime genres such as drama, comedy, harem, and shoujo subgenres.

The main focus in these animes is the love relationships between or amidst characters and sometimes complex romance incidences.

Famous romance anime.

  • Itazura na Kiss
  • Suki-niggling Li Nayo
  • Kare Kano
  • Isshukan Friends
  • Valkyria Chronicles
  • Gilt Time
  • Dearest and Clover
  • Special A
  • Lovely Complex

Military machine anime

The armed forces genre mainly features uniformed military as the master characters. 1 common feature of armed services anime is that Mecha animes accompany it. In comparison, Mecha anime is characterized primarily past science fiction robots.

Saga of Tanya the Evil anime Yojo Senki

The Mecha and Military genres ofttimes feature together, as seen in shows like the Macross and Gundam. As the proper name suggests, war machine animes may involve state of war as the central theme.

Examples of popular war machine anime.

  • Saga of Tanya the Evil
  • GATE
  • Kantai Drove
  • Fullmetal Panic
  • Code Geass

Mecha anime

Mecha is an abbreviation for mechanical and robots units. Mecha animes must include an automated or robotic unit as a character. Indeed, this is the almost distinguishing characteristic in the Mecha animes.

Code Geass anime Lelouch and cast characters cover art

Every bit mentioned above, Mecha animes become hand in hand with the military, action genre, and sci-fi anime genre. Mecha animes are amongst the nearly famous Japanese exports.

Examples of popular Mecha anime.

  • Lawmaking Geass
  • Mobile Arrange Gundam
  • Patlabor
  • Lagrange
  • Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion

History Anime

History anime genre focuses on past time settings. They are usually ideal for helping viewers written report history in a much more heady way. Also, viewers tin utilise these animes to pick up a new skill, like learning a new language.

Popular history anime genre setting includes those roofing Japanese histories like the Edo Menses and Warring States Period. Others encompass foreign nations' history, such as the Chinese History book, the Journey to the W.

Dog of Flanders anime boy girl and dog

French republic based history animes include Le Chevalier D'Eon and The Rose of Versailles. Most history-based animes genres tend to emphasize superpower or activity, or both.

Live-action dramas are good examples of the history anime genre focusing on activities and superpowers. Dramas come in a more realistic image of history.

Examples of popular history anime.

  • Dog of Flemish region
  • Junketsu no MariaSamurai Champloo
  • The Rose of Versailles
  • Rurouni Kenshin
  • Fushigi Yugi

Kids Anime

Although some people claim that anime is just meant for kids, that is non true. Several animes are created for kids. These anime fall under the subgenre of kids anime.

All Digimon characters

They are typically low-cal, balmy, and insightful, thus making them platonic for kids under 12 years. Kid's anime face challenges from Japanese culture, mainly because western cultures differ from Japanese cultures in unique ways.

Examples of Kids Anime.

  • Digimon
  • Doraemon
  • Pokémon
  • Chi's Sugariness Home
  • Machine Robo Rescue

Sci-Fi anime

Sci-Fi is an abbreviation for science fiction. These anime showcase technological and scientific elements in their shows. Machines could be the chief characters, such as robots of diverse technological advancements.

Space Dandy anime with Dandy in a black and white jacket with a gold star

Sci-Fi anime genres focus on advances in technology and science. Indeed, this is the reason why you'll come beyond sci-fi anime featuring subgenres such as Space and Mecha.

Examples of Sci-Fi anime.

  • Space Not bad
  • Evangelion
  • Outlaw Star
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Knights of Sidonia

Game anime

These anime comprehend shows that mainly focus on gaming and playing themes. For instance, anime may include characters playing board games, carte games, puzzle games, and virtual online games.

Sword Are Online anime four characters with swords

Game anime concerns playable games of various types of anime, including video game-based animes.

Examples of Game anime.

  • Sword Art Online
  • Cardfight!! Vanguard
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • Selector infected WIXOSS
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-Five

Martial Arts anime

Martial arts are critical features in battle and fighting anime. Martial arts may involve swordplay, mitt-to-paw combat, armed combat, and gun fighting, amidst others. It's every bit important to note that there are types of martial arts that mainly focus on battle techniques and the martial arts itself.

Dragon Ball anime characters artwork

The martial arts subgenre is quite popular in action-themed anime. An iconic instance of this anime is the Dragon Brawl Z. This show was responsible for familiarizing manga and anime in the Western world mainstream.

Here are examples of popular martial arts anime.

  • Dragon Ball
  • Baki the Grappler
  • Hajime no Ippo
  • Katanagatari

Post-Apocalyptic anime

The mail service-Apocalyptic anime mainly involves typical shows of how the globe would look like at the stop of the earth. For instance, how would the world wait if information technology had been destroyed with only a few humans surviving the apocalypse?

Shin Sekai Yori anime characters

Nigh postal service-apocalyptic settings are set based on by themes. However, these anime are becoming more popular today, mainly due to the influence of global pandemics.

Famous examples of postal service-apocalyptic anime.

  • Shin Sekai Yori
  • Attack on Titan
  • Audio of the Sky
  • Sidonia no Kishi
  • Iron Fortress Kabaneri

Sports anime

These are shows whose characters mainly participate in athletic competitions. Popular choices of sports anime include lawn tennis, basketball, baseball, and soccer.

Kuroko's Basketball anime characters in their team uniform

1 of the most popular sports anime is the Slam Dunk. Indeed, almost modernistic sports anime imitated this anime. The sport eliminated the belief that just the protagonist should become the instant skillful in the sport.

The main graphic symbol is seen learning basketball skills, and the audience too catches up with these techniques.

Examples of popular sports anime.

  • Kuroko's Basketball
  • Yowamushi Pedal
  • Haikyuu!!
  • Ace of Diamond

Police anime

As the proper name suggests, these anime emphasize ordinary law enforcers' challenges and struggles in their piece of work. Constabulary-based characters are featured in various shows, and some are emerging as constabulary procedurals.

Lupin the Third anime characters

The main characters in police force anime are the police offers, investigators, detectives, and law enforcement of various ranks.

Examples of pop police anime.

  • Lupin the Third
  • Psycho-Pass
  • Case Closed
  • You're Nether Abort
  • Beautiful Bones, the Sakurako's Investigation

Super Power anime

When you lot come across numerous explosives of superpowers blasting on your screen, then your show is probable a superpower-themed anime.

Akira anime

You won't miss seeing bursts of decease-resistance attacks, energy assurance, and substantial opposing forces fighting for control amid other powers in a superpower anime genre.

Ideally, the superpower subgenre falls under the category of action and fantasy anime genres.

Famous examples of superpower anime.

  • Akira
  • Tiger & Bunny
  • Toriko
  • Dragon Ball
  • My Hero Academia

Besides, check out 191 Miraculous Ladybug characters.

Explore some more popular anime posts similar Boruto, Inosuke Hashibira, MIX manga, Alessi JoJo's Baroque Adventure, and Radiant Seth.

What are the chief types of anime?

The v main anime genres are shonen, shojo, seinen, josei, and kodomomuke.

How many genres of anime are at that place?

In that location are dozens of genres and subgenres in anime. Some of the most popular are activeness, comedy, a slice of life, drama, tragedy, psychological, historical, mecha, military machine, supernatural, magic, and romance.

What are the top v anime genres?

Some of the top anime genres are action, comedy, drama, mecha, and magic.

What's the about popular genre in anime?

Shonen is the most popular anime genre and is known for its popular series such as Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and One Piece.

Brandon Crombar

Brandon established Featured Animation in 2006 to celebrate animated movies. His favorite blithe movies include Finding Nemo, Aladdin, The Lion King, and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse among others. Connect on social and bring together our mailing list for new movie news.


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